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free video dub 英语说文解字dub把……称为,给……起绰号;配音;封……为爵士


dub英 [dʌb] 美 [dʌb]

v. 把……称为,给……起绰号;配音;封……为爵士;<英>混合录音;拷贝(电影、音乐等);装上(假蝇)作钓饵;在(皮革)上涂油,给(皮革)加脂

n. 强节拍诗歌;配音,配乐;新手,技术不熟练者

【名】 (Dub)(美、乌克兰)杜布(人名)

[ 复数 dubs 第三人称单数 dubs 现在分词 dubbing 过去式 dubbed 过去分词 dubbed ]


S-Dub 接口又称

Rub-A-Dub-Dub 航海 ; 鲁啦啦 ; 摇啊摇

Dub Dash 电音冲刺 ; 节奏冲锋 ; 几何冲刺

Free Video Dub 视频编辑器 ; 视频编辑软件 ; 老师

rub-a-dub 咚咚声 ; 鼓声

Final Dub 终混

Asian Dub Remix 火红火热

dub lamp 复制灯

Dub Mix 夜迷宫


dub /dʌb/ CET6 TEM8 ( dubbing, dubbed, dubs )

1. V-T If someone or something is dubbed a particular thing, they are given that description or name. 把…称为 [journalism]

例:Today's session has been widely dubbed as a "make or break" meeting.


2. V-T If a film or soundtrack in a foreign language is dubbed, a new soundtrack is added with actors giving a translation. 为 (影片或声道等) 配音 [usu passive]

例:It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.


3. V to invest (a person) with knighthood by the ritual of tapping on the shoulder with a sword (用剑拍肩)授予···骑士封号

4. V to contribute to the cost of (something); pay 结帐; 支付 [slang]

5. N a style of record production associated with reggae, involving the removal or exaggeration of instrumental parts, extensive use of echo, etc 带瑞格舞音乐的混录 [music]

6. N (as modifier) 瑞格舞音乐混录的

例:a dub mix


vt. [电影]配音;轻点;打击;授予称号dong , have at

n. 笨蛋;鼓声simple , turkey , put , idiot , stupid


Running on a variety of phones, Dub lets you swap business cards electronically, even with people who don't use the service.

Dub 可以在多种手机上运行,让你可以通过电子方式交换名片,甚至可以与不使用这项服务的人交换名片。

We have two main cafeterias, the Ratty and the V-Dub, which are on opposite sides, South and North.

我们有两个主要的食堂,一个叫 Ratty,一个叫 V-Dub,两个食堂在相反的方位,一个在南边,一个在北边。

One of the concerns for students in this course, particularly those we dub less comfortable is that you're already starting off at a disadvantage.


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【讯驰外语】可乐老师 编辑。



My email:ilikework_cz@126.com


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